Thursday 11 April 2013

HONGE MARA ( Avenue Tree)

(English: Avenue tree, Kannada: Honge, Telugu - Kaniga, Bengali: Karanj) 
Botanical name: Pongamia Pinnata.

hon1.jpeg (14974 bytes)
This elegant tree is useful in many ways. It is a very good shade tree as it gets thickly covered with shiny green leaves in summer. Traditionally oil was extracted from its pods to lit lamps. Now it gives us `bio-diesel' with many uses. . The leaves form good manure. Bees are very fond of its small white mildly fragrant flowers.

I use the honge hindi( what is left over after oil is extracted from seeds) as a manure in my garden.

Notice this tree along the entrance to mahadevapura village and there are few along the path to harmony estate. Very cool shade is so valuable in summer. In villages, cows are tied under this three to protect from scorching heat.

Saplings are available in plenty in the forest nurseries. it is one of the popular avenue trees.

In its early years, it needs support of sticks to hold it straight or else the branches sag and grow laterally.

It does not grow very tall. It may grow to be about 10-15 feet tall. But the it spreads out with branches growing laterally.

I have this grow even in rocky areas. So, it may be good plant to put down in the rocky common areas.

Generally since the shade is very good, under the tree not much grows. 

Watering needs: 
I don't believe it needs to be watered. However, watering in the early years would accelerate its survival.

Rate of growth:
If we plant this rainy season, i expect the trees to reach height of 10 feet in about two years

Recommended areas for planting: 
  • Roadside from Mahadevapura village to Gate.
  • In the karab area( if we put a play ground of any sort, this shade is good to sit under).
  • If we plan sit outs, along the road inside the estates, it is best to sit under this tree.
  • Particularly the common area( provides shade for the watcher house) and sit out.

External links: 

hon2.jpeg (28407 bytes)
hon3.jpeg (14974 bytes)

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